Carson and I went to Scout Camp this summer up at Camp Tracy. We had a great time. I could not believe how dirty these kids could get in one day.

I love it that Carson still wants me to go to things with him. I am taking advantage of that while I can. He is a sweet boy and I love him very much.

Here is Carson going through the donuts of doom.

Here he is going through the obstacle course.

This is the gear that the boys had to wear to shoot the sling shots.

Look at that form. The practice with Dad has paid off. He hit all his arrows in the target, but the arrows were missing it's point so they did not stick. Carson was not thrilled with the broken arrows.
1 comment:
Loved all the posts! CCarson and Natalee are so good to each other--I hope Maddie and Isaac will be the same way.
Thanks for keeping us updated. I hope you had a great weekend and that you spoiled yourself rotten with a brand new wardrobe. I'll call you later to get the details.
Love ya.
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