Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Hill Air Force Base Museum
So we took a field trip up to Kaysville to see my brother's family. Sara has lots of family up there and my kids think that Jake and Olivia are there cousins too. Every time that Ryan and Sara come to town my kids ask when we will be getting together with their "other" cousins.
Here we are in the hallway that leads from one hanger to another. The kids were into the Air force spirit and thought that we should salute.
Here is the Iowa family all together. I just love those kids and wish that they were here more ofter. Oh and I love those parents that gave us those kids also.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Time
What kind of mother would I be if I did not blog about Christmas Day. Here are some shots that we took of the kids.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Natalee's 10th Birthday
Natalee turned 10 this year. She decided that she wanted a queen size bed for her birthday and Christmas. She even decided to give up her friend party to cover the cost. Well here it is. The BIG bed that she wanted. She is hoping that she will never wake up on the floor again.
Grandma was so nice and came to paint her headboard for her. Also Grandma and Grandpa Payne gave her that cute bedspread. Thanks Mom for always helping in the design arena.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Disney on Ice
So my amazing Aunt Rose won some tickets to Disney on Ice and dinner at California Pizza Kitchen, she was nice enough to give the tickets and dinner to Matt and the kids. My three cousins, Matt and the kids packed up and went on Saturday. Well as you can see there are no better seats than the ones they had. The women were all away for the weekend, but when I saw these pictures I must admit I was a little jealous.
Here they all are at the California Pizza Kitchen what a great way to end their night.
They got to see a little of all the Disney themes including It's a Small World, Matt said that made him want to go back to Disney World.

Looks like the kids had a great time.

My kids thought it was the best, we have never gotten them seats like that before.

Here is a picture from behind to show how close they were to the ice. With Matt's long legs they could have possibly tripped a skater going by.
Looks like the kids had a great time.
My kids thought it was the best, we have never gotten them seats like that before.
Here is a picture from behind to show how close they were to the ice. With Matt's long legs they could have possibly tripped a skater going by.
Our Women's Weekend was wonderful and relaxing, we ate, shopped, watched Mamma Mia, Played games and laughed really hard. I love the wonderful women in my life that are very therapeutic to me. And my wonderful husband for taking care of everything while I am gone. I am one lucky lady.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Happy Halloween
Here are some pictures from our fun filled Halloween Season. We love the holiday season.
This is the kids after they Trick-or-Treated at my work alone. Way before we hit the Trunk-or-Treat and the streets. Does anyone have a # for the Dentist that buy back candy?
Natatlee wanted to put all the suckers in her hand and then was suffering until I snapped this shot.

Friday, October 24, 2008
Watch out for those witches

The kids were haming ut up with the witches

The kids couldn't help "butt" laugh at these witches.

We found witches all over the place even in the water.

I don't know what Dad was doing here, but Carson might not be able to hide this from Mom.

These kids look so cute and there were so many places to show it off.

The kids couldn't help "butt" laugh at these witches.

We found witches all over the place even in the water.

I don't know what Dad was doing here, but Carson might not be able to hide this from Mom.

These kids look so cute and there were so many places to show it off.
We took the kids to Gardner Village to see the witches tonight. We had a fun time taking pictures and finding the witches. We went to Neighborhood Bakery after and our wonderful Aunt Rose really took care of us. As if that were not enough we had to come home and make tons of sugar cookies. Then we were all doped up on sugar and we had a family dance jam. It was a fun night.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Kid Tag
I got tagged by my sisters Krystal and Sara. You are suppose to list 5 things about your kids that people do not know. So here is my attempt at finding things that you all don't know about my kids. Oh and by the way Becky your it.
Carson loves the outdoors, he went hunting for the first time this year. He had a great time with the boys and is looking forward to making that a tradition.
Carson is not afraid of many things. I know this is just made out of legos but that is one of his very favorite things.
Carson loves Pirates, we found this one in Cabo and he had to have his picture with it. He is going to be a pirate for halloween.
He LOVES sports, he is in flag football right now and Jr Jazz is coming up quickly. He cannot decide between basketball,football and baseball as his favorite.
He is a handsome little man and is very caring. He is not to cool to still give his mom a hug. How lucky am I that I got the best 2 kids in the world.
Natalee has lost 12 teeth already. I love to take pictures of her when she looses a tooth. What is cuter that a kid that is missing a tooth?
Even though Natalee looks like a juvenile delenquent in this picture she is actually a very upstanding citizen. She would never do anything that would get her in trouble.
She is one smart cookie, we had to program these Lego robots to do what we wanted them to do and she had it all down in a matter of minutes.
The girl is a bargain shopper (where did she get that from?) She was wheeling and dealing with the locals in Mexico. I was very proud of her.
She is awesome with kids. She would be the best babysitter right now if she could add a few years to her current age. There are many people that are waiting for her to get older so she can babysit their kids.

Monday, October 13, 2008
Oh Mexico!!

We had a great time on our trip. We went to Lego Land first and you would have thought that Carson had died and gone to heaven. We then got on the ship and headed to Cabo, Mazatlan and Puerto Vallarta. It was amazing we had two great days on the beach and then We went on a Zip Line adventure with some huge spiders. Here are some fun pictures that we took along the way.
Monday, September 22, 2008
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