This was the first snow of the season and it was a big one. We woke up to no power and over a foot of snow on the ground. There is another storm that is hanging around right now as we speak.

Here is Carson working on his igloo. It looked really good but the sun came out the next day and made it slump in a little bit.

Here is Natalee on the other side of the drive way. She was begging Matt to help move snow over to help her with her fort.

Here Matt is with a shovel. Don't let that fool you he didn't help with the drive way he only helped Natalee move the snow to where she needed it.

They had a great time and could not wait to get out there. The trees in our neighborhood did not fair too well. About every third house had broken tree limbs. Some of the trees were split in half.

But the kids don't care about the cold or the broken trees they just love to play in the snow. I would really love to be in Florida right now.
Does your father know you already have a Christmas background on your blog? Don't tell him, but I've been listening to Christmas music for the past couple of weeks...
vegas could be the next best thing! we have NO snow. and your's looks really cold!
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