As you all can tell there is a theme to my lateness on Holidays. I try I really do but I never get them on here till much later.

Here are the kids after the egg hunt. They are starting to get a little old for this one but we make them do it anyway. I think it is their job to humor us.

They do still love to find their baskets, because there is usually more than just candy in those.

They looked really cute in their new Easter clothes. We love the fact that it actually looked like Spring on this day. I hope the warm weather wants to stick around for awhile now.
They act like they are too big, but secretly they like it. The Easter Bunny hid Tyler's so well Justin had to help him find it. I thought Brittney's was hid well, but her literally took her 5 seconds to find it. I love Easter, it is fun but doesn't need a second mortgage to pull it off. Happy Easter (a month late)!
Cute pics! My kids are getting a bit big for the egg hunt also. Hehe... but they do love the basket part, our bunny usually leaves more than candy too....Since when did the Easter bunny start leaving more than candy???
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